Monday, January 23, 2012

Welcome to FTFC!!!

Welcome to the brand new blog lads and ladies! I'm super excited about the start of this project chronicling my experiences with all things art, food, fashion, faith, and fun related. I'll be posting recipes, art projects, and occasionally just reviewing and sharing some of the things that made me smile that day. (Because I love paying smiles forward.) Consider this OUR little "sharing chateau" for those sweet souls who like to bake and kindly share a bite; for those savory people who like to cook and entertain guests with their wholesome presence; and lastly for those sublimed somebodies who enjoy creating and using their talent to educate and enlighten while turning a nothing into a something.

It's semi-important to know, that since this is a site that's open to the public, some names and locations may be changed in some posts to protect the privacy of the those around me. Consider this the disclaimer covering all posts to follow.

It's so nice to virtually meet you all. I'm sure we're going to have a blast together! Don't forget to share the posts you like with your friends and leave lots of (hopefully) wonderful comments. :)

-Until Again-