Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy Easter!

Pictured: My feet & one of my old Bibles
Photography by Tragena Owen

    As Easter approaches this weekend, I've been celebrating my Rebirthday all month.  Yes, 15 years ago this month, I gave my life to Christ, accepted salvation through Jesus, and was water baptized. No, I don't celebrate this like a regular birthday, expecting those I love to shower me with love and giving myself little treats along the way. Rather this is time for me to: reflect on my relationship with God; think of ways to improve it; DO that; and just be even more ecstatic to show God my appreciation for him. I feel it most appropriate that I'm getting to witness a budding relationship He's developing with a friend during this time. 

   As a result of some things we've talked about at church, I'm trying to be more specific in my prayers in order for them to be more effective. I've taken the time to stumble through some old notebooks from past years where I keep bible study/church notes, prayer requests, goals, etc. I find it absolutely amazing and beautiful how faithful God is to me, to all of us. All of those answered prayers I was thumbing through- some things I wrote out of desperation at the time. God answered. I kept moving on with life, almost to forget those things He'd done time and time again. If that sounds like me be ungrateful, well then I'd have to agree. If I've been so forgetful at all of the Greatness shown toward me, how can I continue to expect more? Because God is Good anyhow, that's why. I'm so glad His Love for me is not dependent on my current state in my relationship with Him. So, this is why it is good to reflect when we can. Sometimes we (I) need to be reminded of things past, if only to lift our faith that somehow has gotten down. Reflection. Thank God for that. 

   I couldn't begin to tell you of everything God has done for me in the past 15 years-- or even in the past 28. There is not enough time in the world for that. I can say, our relationship has not been wonderful the entire 15 years. That is all my fault alone. In fact, I had no idea who God really was until at least 5 years later during my college days off on my own away from family and friends. I was so lucky and blessed enough to surrounded with wonderful young Jesus followers during that time. I had been in church all my life, but at this place I went once your were in, that was it. There was no, "my next step". No new disciples class. I didn't know anything about "relationship" whatsoever. So being surrounding by other people, exposed to new things, having my own experiences really opened my eyes, nourished my soul, rekindled that fire. To those "chosen" few I am very grateful. They know who they are. And don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing that church by any means. I love that church. It helped lay the ever important foundation. It wasn't until I was older that I realized it was the blind leading the blind. No one knew what was next--therefore it wasn't taught. But praise God He didn't let it stay that way. Over these years, I've been a Jesus freak. I've also gone long periods where I seemingly ignored Him because I was too distracted by some boy. I've gone through times where I just didn't understand why God would have me go through such a tough time. I've been elated. I've been frustrated. I've experienced pure Joy during times when others would say I shouldn't have even be smiling and just down in the dumps. No matter if I've given this relationship with Him my all in every moment or not, He's always been there offering guidance, support, and love. It is very appropriate that "One Thing Remains" has been stuck in my head all week!

   I know I'm not always His best representative. This week I've been thinking... How many times have I talked about someone behind their back instead of trying to help them? How many people could I have given a smile too by doing something nice but did not  because I was too self-absorbed at the moment? How many times did I miss a great opportunity for pray or reading the word because I wanted to sleep or play on Facebook? I'm grateful that I've been afforded yet another year here on Earth to do better. I'm betting if we had a conversation on this topic, I wouldn't seem like I have "15 years experience" in this. So, I have to up my game. This ReBirthday, I'm striving to do better with each day that passes and be the best Jesus follower I can possibly be. 

   To my friends, family, brothers and sisters in Christ who are reading this that have supported and nourished my walk along the way I say this : THANK YOU very much front he bottom of my heart! You will never know just how much you mean to me in this journey!  And just for Sticky and Bendy (you know who you are), I HAVE to add in this "Birthday" song by Canton Jones link. Only they could appreciate it. I also want to say Happy Rebirthday to Sticky as well.  

   I encourage you to reflect on your life and what could be changed, and Who could be added (if not already) this Easter holiday season. I'd say forget the bunnies and eggs, but remember this.... NOBODY likes finding an empty egg. Those get tossed in disappointment very quickly. If you don't have Jesus in your heart, you are walking around empty--just like that egg. The good news is, all you have to do is sincerely invite Him in, and He'll come and make it all snug and warm and fuzzy. :)   Please, don't stay on empty. I don't want you to get tossed! I want you to get your fill! All love. :)  

Happy Easter!

~Until Again~

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday update

I've been busy organizing and such so that I can properly prep for scrap-booking and a few other personal projects. I gotta say....Friday evening and Saturday were two of the most productive days (home chores-wise) I've had in a long time (or at least since moving a few months ago). Needless to say, this has made me fairly useless today and a bit sore all over also.  But as I see the light at the end of the tunnel, I'm excited to get started on these projects--which I'll be sharing as they come along. But just so you don't feel like, I've left you with nothing, I'm including a pic of the super good and juicy steak I marinaded while I was getting all that work done. I deserved this treat last night. Very much so.

-Until again-