Monday, July 28, 2014

Recap: MasterChef Episode 114: Top 12 Compete

Air Date 7/28/2014

I like watching MasterChef. So while I don't promise to chime in every week,  I will chime in every once in a while.

First off, why is Cutter still surviving on this show? His stubborn, not-willing-to-listen-or-learn self should have been gone WEEKS ago!

Since this is my first post on the show, I want to throw out an observation I noticed on day one. I still can't get used to Graham Elliot's extreme weight loss. Is it just me or doesn't he now look like Peter Griffin in that episode where he surgically lost a bunch of weight? Much love to the fabulous chef though. If you can pull of that extreme of a weight loss working in the field that he does, then you're A-OK in my book. That takes some true will power.

Back to the episode at hand...

The first challenge was for the red and blue teams to create romantic meals for several couple celebrating their anniversaries. Gordon Ramsey's lovely wife of 18 years, Tanner, joined in on the special dinner. And, yes, she certainly comes with strong opinions of her own. But I wouldn't expect anything less.  (Where can I get a pair of the heels she was wearing?)

The blue team was headed by Elizabeth Cauvel. The red team was headed by Ahran Cho. Ahran's team put out lobster risotto and tiramisu.  Elizabeth's team put out steaks and some kind of strawberry pudding concoction. Before decisions were made on a winning team, one cute young couple of 3 years shared their proposal with us. Obviously, the show wasn't going to give them much free airtime, (a whole 4 seconds, I mean come on) so it left a little to be desired. Nonetheless, congrats to the happy couple. They look sweet together. Despite sending out super rare steaks, Elizabeth's team won the challenge sending the red team into a pressure test to produce a box of 9 perfect chocolates.

Surprisingly, Cutter rose to the occasion on this challenge. In the words of Gordon Ramsey, "What a shame!" I really want him to go home already.  Ahran continued to have a bad day here. No one raved over her box. Willie Mike's looked like a child help him decorate his. Though they praised the flavors he used. Leslie's looked like they were "shaped from his armpit". Apparently, no one enjoyed the look or flavor of Christine's as hers were bitter and not round. It was down to sending either Leslie and Christine home.

Spoiler alert: We said good-bye to Christine Silverstein. It was just as well. She's not one of the memorable ones. But I still think she should have outlasted Cutter the Bull. Leslie also seems to be a cat with 9 lives here.

...And then there were 11.

Before I go, I want to once again declare publicly that Hotel Hell has the absolute worst theme song and opening graphics I've heard and seen in a very long time. Why have they not given that theme the axe? Seriously, if you haven't heard it, check it out. It immediately makes you want to change the channel.

~Until again~

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